Come near to God and He will come near to you. James 4:8
~ linger in His presence
~ listen to His voice
"Though everything may appear cold, dark, and strained -- may I be faithful in talking with my heavenly Father."
"To reach the place where the Word and prayer each have its undivided right over me, I must be wholly transformed."
Transformed by a Holy God ~ transformed by His grace ~ transformed by the power that is only found in His Son, Jesus. "I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes." Romans 1:16
"My day will respond to the morning watch time (quiet time) spent with God."Have you lingered in His presence today ~ listened to His voice? Oftentimes we go through our day, frazzled, falling apart and wondering why; when the very reason is that we didn't start our day with Him.
No one is without excuse. Whether you work outside your home or your job is in your home. Everyone can spend time with Him ~ the amount of time is between you and the Lord. I would encourage you to spend time with Him as your days begins, when you are the most fresh. I've heard it said that waiting until the end of the day to come near to Him is like tuning an orchestra after the concert is over. Notes were played, but everything was out of tune.
My kids are grown and have been out on their own for years, so I have plenty of time to linger in His presence. But what about young Mom's? First, you can spend time with Him ~ it will simply look a lot different than someone whose kids are grown. If all you can do is pray while you're holding your baby or child who is clinging to you in your arms ~ then pray. Rather than get frustrated, ask the Lord to guide your day. What a great example for our kids/grand kids when they hear us praying and seeking God's guidance. "These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." Deuteronomy 6:6-7
Lord today,
May each of us come near to You ~ linger in Your presence and listen for Your voice. May we hear Your voice louder than any other. May we trust in You with all our heart and fully lean on You ~ seeking You and trusting You to guide every step we take.
Note: Scripture is from NIV and all quotes are from Talking with God by Andrew Murray
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