Friday, July 31, 2015

Encouragement . . . for the Journey

"In prayer, I give myself to God; in the Word, God gives Himself to me." 
Andrew Murray

Oh that we would all be still, stop talking and listen to Him as He speaks through His powerful, transforming Truth!!!

Be still and know that I am God.    Psalm 46:10

Monday, July 20, 2015

Encouragement . . . for the Journey 2015

Morning Praise . . . You will fill me with JOY in Your presence  Psalm 16:11

Love starting my day with the Lord ~ sitting on our deck, Bible open, cup of coffee in hand, listening as the birds chirp, watching the squirrels scamper about and seeing an occasional deer with a cute little fawn walking through the yard. Definitely puts a smile on my face. 

It wasn't always like this.  When my kids were little sitting quietly most days wasn't an option ~ lol.  I didn't use my kids as an excuse though, I simply asked the Lord to give me creative ways to spend with Him and He did.  It didn't work out perfectly all the time, but my faithful God knew my heart and my desire. 

I'm continually amazed that He delights in spending time with me and that He too enjoys our special time together.  Holy, Almighty God longs for each of us to spend time in His presence.  He welcomes ALL who come to Him through His Son, Jesus and fills us with joy when we come.  Jesus, the One and Only, provided the way for us to have full access to God.  (Hebrews 4:14-15)  God, the Creator of the universe.  What a privilege to spend time Him!!! Time worshiping, seeking His face and bringing to Him all the cares and concerns for the day.

Not only does He welcome us, but He says that we may confidently come to Him. 
"Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence."  Confidence ~ firm trust.  Complete trust in the One who will never leave us or forsake us.  The One who listens to our every cry, hears our sighs and accepts our prayers. (Psalm 5:1-3,9; Psalm 6:9; Psalm 8:10)  I love what Charles Spurgeon says about prayer, "God will accept it, think of it and grant it in the way and time His loving wisdom judges best."

Why come?  "So that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need."  Everyone of us have needs. God never discriminates.  He beautifully invites ALL to come to Him and take His mercy and grace, freely offered. He gives it to us at the right time, in the right way and in the right proportion.  His mercy ~ His grace ~ from His extravagant heart of love. 

His desire for us is that we come to Him, the strong tower.  (Proverbs 18:10)

He graciously waits . . . for me.  He graciously waits . . . for you.  (Isaiah 30:18-21)

Let us then approach God's throne of grace
with confidence,
so that we may receive mercy and find grace
to help us in our time of need.
Hebrews 4:16

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Encouragement . . . for the Journey

Encouraging your kids with Scripture Songs

Love how music touches hearts and lives in an amazing way!!!  Several years ago we completed Let the Children Come.  Songs born out of my quiet times with the Lord. 
God has used this CD around the world for His glory.  His Word ~ His tunes ~ for such a time as this.

Would love for you to have this for your family.  Check out: