~ I praise You my Shepherd that You provide for all my needs ~ spiritual, physical, mental, emotional and financial.
~ I thank You for the times You make me lie down ~ stop ~ when I'm too busy.
~ I praise You for Your quiet, refreshing, Living Water that nourishes my soul.
~ I praise You for always guiding and leading me in Your perfect direction ~ for Your namesake and Your glory!!!
~ I praise You for the dark valleys; for it's in those valleys that I feel Your beautiful presence -- keeping -- sustaining -- protecting me.
~ I praise You for being my comforter and the One who prepares me for times of adversity when the enemy's presence presses in presses down.
~ I praise You for anointing me for service; sharing the love of my Savior -- the Giver of life - my true love -- the lifter of my head.
~ I praise You for abundantly blessing me with Your goodness, mercy and grace -- all undeserved!!!
~ I praise You for the eternal security I have in You.
. . . I shall not want."
Psalm 23