Knowing God from A - Z . . . a praise walk through the Psalms
One of my favorite books of the Bible is Psalms. I typically read a Psalm a day along with any other Scripture I'm studying at the time. Actually I pray it back to God each day. As I've done this through the years, it keeps me focused on the greatness of my God, no matter what my day looks like.
Sometimes my days are filled with beautiful sunshine. Sunshine that warms me like snuggling up under an afghan on the coldest winter day. Other days are bleak, much like our our back yard looks right now. Regardless of our season, Psalms has something to say that will keep us looking "upwards" not inward or outwards toward others to satisfy our needs. God's Word is always sufficient for our circumstances.
Each day has challenges of its own and every time I read a Psalm, God has a special word just for that particular situation. Something that will always minister to my need for that day.
This year rather than reading a Psalm a day, I'm camping out for a few days. The first day I read it through, then look at a commentary by Warren Wiersbe called With the Word ~ a simple explanation of the chapter. On the second day I'll read the Psalm again, this time looking up all the corresponding verses in the margin of my Bible. On the third day after reading the Psalm, I read the comments from the Life Application Bible. This is keeping me from blowing through the Psalms ~ check off, "done that" mentality. It is helping me to grow deeper in my relationship with Him through this more thorough study.
This morning, I finished reading Chapter 5, one of my favorite Psalms. In the first verse, I love how God hears my words and considers my sighing. I don't know about you, but I sigh a lot. Not because I don't trust in my all powerful God, but because I am comfortable with Him. He cares in such a way that He invites my sighs. He considers my sighing, always listens to my cry for help and comes at just the appropriate time. In the meantime, until I know His answer, I wait. Wait expectantly, much like a child waiting for Christmas morning, their birthday to arrive or school to be over, etc. Knowing that He will protect me and give me exactly what I need when He does answer.
Another thing I am in the habit of doing is jotting down descriptions of who God is and what He does. I use the Alphabet praise method, putting each description by the appropriate letter. For example, from the first 5 books of Psalms here are the descriptions I've found:
A- Anointed One (Ps. 2:2), answers me (Ps. 3:4)
C- consider my sighing (Ps. 5:1)
D- deliverance (Ps 3:8)
F- filled my heart with greater joy (Ps. 4:7)
G- give ear to my words (Ps. 5:1), great mercy (Ps. 5:7)
H- hear (Ps. 4:1; 5:3)
K- King (Ps. 2:5; 5:2)
L- light of Your face (Ps. 4:6), listen to my cry for help (Ps. 5:2), lead me (Ps. 5:8)
M- merciful (Ps. 4:1), make straight Your way before me (Ps. 5:8)
N- Name (Ps. 5:11)
R- refuge (Ps. 2:12), righteous (Ps. 4:1), righteousness (Ps. 5:7)
S- shield (Ps. 3:2; 5:12), sustains me (Ps. 3:5), set apart the godly for Himself (Ps. 4:3), spread Your protection (Ps. 5:11), surround the righteous (Ps. 5:12)
W- watches over the way of the righteous (Ps 1:8), will hear (Ps. 4:3
Y- You alone make me dwell in safety (Ps. 4:8), You are not a God who takes pleasure in evil (Ps. 5:4), Your presence (Ps. 5:5), You hate all who do wrong (their actions ~ He offers everyone salvation) (Ps. 5:5), You destroy those who tell lies (all are held accountable for their actions) Ps. 5:6), Your favor (Ps 5:12)
As you journey with the Lord this year, make it a habit to read a Psalm. Look for all the descriptions of who He is and what He does. Keep your own journal. Take those descriptions and begin your praise time with Him each day. You'll be amazed at what He reveals to you and how your walk with Him will deepen. I love spending time with Him in the morning. The Life Application Bible puts it this way, "The secret of a close relationship with God is to pray to Him earnestly each morning. In the morning our minds are more free from problems and then we can commit the whole day to God. Regular communication helps any friendship and is certainly necessary for a strong relationship with God. We need to communicate with Him daily."
On the journey with you and praying that God will reveal Himself to you in amazing ways in 2012 ~ Dianne